Rapid Prototyping
Services Provided
Mechanical Design
Engineering Analysis
Manufacturing Engineering
Control System Design
Software Development
Web Development
Rapid Prototyping
3D Scanning
At Accel Automation, we realize that even the best computer models are sometimes not enough, and that a real physical model
that you can hold in your hand is just what you need to assess a design. To provide customers with hands-on models,
Accel Automation has its own in-house 3D Printer.
A 3D Printer is an excellent tool for rapidly and inexpensively creating complex shapes. 3D Printing offers a distinct
advantage over other types of rapid prototyping in that the parts created are often strong enough and tough enough to act as
functional components. An added benefit of the 3D Printer is the ability to quickly and inexpensively prototype mechanisms for
experimentation, and to quickly produce functional components for tooling and fixtures.
Accel Automation has leveraged its 3D Printer to rapidly and inexpensively create molds that can be used to fabricate parts from
other materials such as using RTV Silicone to create elastic parts, and using sheets of heated plastic to create vacuum formed
Although originally intended for in-house use to supplement our engineering service, Accel Automation is happy to provide this
service to any customers who are simply looking to have their parts printed. Although not yet available, Accel Automation hopes
to have automated on-line 3D Printing quotes and order processing available soon.
Listed below, is a project containing a few examples in which Accel Automation assisted a customer using its rapid prototyping capability.
Active RFID Locating System
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