The Pacemaker Battery Folding Machine
With the staff of Accel Automation, comes past employment experience developing a Pacemaker Battery Folding Machine.
Our staff member provided the
Mechanical Design. and the
Engineering Analysis
services to create this machine.
Project Overview
The Pacemaker Battery Folding Machine is a machine which folds an anode and cathode together repeatedly resulting in a flattened roll.
Both the anode and cathode have electrodes extending from an edge which must be properly aligned after folding.
The consistent accurate location of the electrodes protruding from the edge of the role is a critical factor which was successfully achieved by
this machine.
Mechanical Design
Our staff member provided the Mechanical Design services required to create:
The Overall System Concept & Specifications.
The Anode & Cathode Transport, a device which transports the Anode & Cathode into the machine, properly locates them,
and which maintains the required tension on the Anode & Cathode during the folding process.
The Mandrel Tensioner, a device which applies tension to the mandrel around which the Anode & Cathode are folded.
The Folding Mechanism, a device which bends the Anode & Cathode around the mandrel ensuring properly applied forces to
create the folded product.
The Machine Base, the structure which rigidly supports the all of the components which constitute the machine.
Engineering Analysis
Our staff member provided the Engineering Analysis services required to:
Ensure that the tension on the mandrel is sufficient to support the applied folding forces, and that the mandrel has sufficient
strength to ensure that it doesn't deform under tension.
Determine the complex two axis motion profile required to drive the folding mechanism.
Determine the torque and power requirements of the actuators and drives.
Ensure that the system is sufficiently rigid to withstand the mandrel tensioning force.
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