The Coronary Guide Wire Dip-Coating Machine
With the staff of Accel Automation, comes past employment experience in developing a Coronary Guide Wire Dip-Coating Machine.
Our staff member provided the
Mechanical Design
services to create this machine.
Project Overview
The Coronary Guide Wire Dip-Coating Machine is an automated machine used to apply a coating on coronary guide wires
by dipping them into a vat of solution.
Due to the length of the wires, a unique technique was devised to minimize the height of the machine, and ease the handling of the wires.
The machine was designed to dip several wires simultaneously, and to ensure that the wires did not contact each other or
the container walls. The vat was designed to minimize volume, maintain fluid level, and recirculate the solution.
Mechanical Design
Our staff member provided the Mechanical Design services required to create:
The Overall System Concept & Specifications.
The Fixture, a device which holds the coronary guide wires to be processed.
The Wire Transport, a mechanism which lowers and raises the fixtured wires into the vat at the
prescribed rates for the desired duration.
The Fluid Tank, a device which contains the fluid into which the wires are dipped, and which
maintains the level of the fluid.
The Machine Base, the structure which rigidly supports the all of the components which constitute the machine, and
which shields the product from the environment and operators from the equipment.
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